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| sirius:/ $ am -h Activity manager (activity) commands: help Print this help text. start-activity [-D] [-N] [-W] [-P <FILE>] [--start-profiler <FILE>] [--sampling INTERVAL] [--streaming] [-R COUNT] [-S] [--track-allocation] [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT> Start an Activity. Options are: -D: enable debugging -N: enable native debugging -W: wait for launch to complete --start-profiler <FILE>: start profiler and send results to <FILE> --sampling INTERVAL: use sample profiling with INTERVAL microseconds between samples (use with --start-profiler) --streaming: stream the profiling output to the specified file (use with --start-profiler) -P <FILE>: like above, but profiling stops when app goes idle --attach-agent <agent>: attach the given agent before binding --attach-agent-bind <agent>: attach the given agent during binding -R: repeat the activity launch <COUNT> times. Prior to each repeat, the top activity will be finished. -S: force stop the target app before starting the activity --track-allocation: enable tracking of object allocations --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user. --windowingMode <WINDOWING_MODE>: The windowing mode to launch the activity into. --activityType <ACTIVITY_TYPE>: The activity type to launch the activity as. start-service [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT> Start a Service. Options are: --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user. start-foreground-service [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT> Start a foreground Service. Options are: --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user. stop-service [--user <USER_ID> | current] <INTENT> Stop a Service. Options are: --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify which user to run as; if not specified then run as the current user. broadcast [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <INTENT> Send a broadcast Intent. Options are: --user <USER_ID> | all | current: Specify which user to send to; if not specified then send to all users. --receiver-permission <PERMISSION>: Require receiver to hold permission. instrument [-r] [-e <NAME> <VALUE>] [-p <FILE>] [-w] [--user <USER_ID> | current] [--no-hidden-api-checks] [--no-window-animation] [--abi <ABI>] <COMPONENT> Start an Instrumentation. Typically this target <COMPONENT> is in the form <TEST_PACKAGE>/<RUNNER_CLASS> or only <TEST_PACKAGE> if there is only one instrumentation. Options are: -r: print raw results (otherwise decode REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT). Use with [-e perf true] to generate raw output for performance measurements. -e <NAME> <VALUE>: set argument <NAME> to <VALUE>. For test runners a common form is [-e <testrunner_flag> <value>[,<value>...]]. -p <FILE>: write profiling data to <FILE> -m: Write output as protobuf to stdout (machine readable) -f <Optional PATH/TO/FILE>: Write output as protobuf to a file (machine readable). If path is not specified, default directory and file name will be used: /sdcard/instrument-logs/log-yyyyMMdd-hhmmss-SSS.instrumentation_data_proto -w: wait for instrumentation to finish before returning. Required for test runners. --user <USER_ID> | current: Specify user instrumentation runs in; current user if not specified. --no-hidden-api-checks: disable restrictions on use of hidden API. --no-window-animation: turn off window animations while running. --abi <ABI>: Launch the instrumented process with the selected ABI. This assumes that the process supports the selected ABI. trace-ipc [start|stop] [--dump-file <FILE>] Trace IPC transactions. start: start tracing IPC transactions. stop: stop tracing IPC transactions and dump the results to file. --dump-file <FILE>: Specify the file the trace should be dumped to. profile [start|stop] [--user <USER_ID> current] [--sampling INTERVAL] [--streaming] <PROCESS> <FILE> Start and stop profiler on a process. The given <PROCESS> argument may be either a process name or pid. Options are: --user <USER_ID> | current: When supplying a process name, specify user of process to profile; uses current user if not specified. --sampling INTERVAL: use sample profiling with INTERVAL microseconds between samples --streaming: stream the profiling output to the specified file dumpheap [--user <USER_ID> current] [-n] [-g] <PROCESS> <FILE> Dump the heap of a process. The given <PROCESS> argument may be either a process name or pid. Options are: -n: dump native heap instead of managed heap -g: force GC before dumping the heap --user <USER_ID> | current: When supplying a process name, specify user of process to dump; uses current user if not specified. set-debug-app [-w] [--persistent] <PACKAGE> Set application <PACKAGE> to debug. Options are: -w: wait for debugger when application starts --persistent: retain this value clear-debug-app Clear the previously set-debug-app. set-watch-heap <PROCESS> <MEM-LIMIT> Start monitoring pss size of <PROCESS>, if it is at or above <HEAP-LIMIT> then a heap dump is collected for the user to report. clear-watch-heap Clear the previously set-watch-heap. bug-report [--progress | --telephony] Request bug report generation; will launch a notification when done to select where it should be delivered. Options are: --progress: will launch a notification right away to show its progress. --telephony: will dump only telephony sections. force-stop [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <PACKAGE> Completely stop the given application package. crash [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE|PID> Induce a VM crash in the specified package or process kill [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <PACKAGE> Kill all background processes associated with the given application. kill-all Kill all processes that are safe to kill (cached, etc). make-uid-idle [--user <USER_ID> | all | current] <PACKAGE> If the given application's uid is in the background and waiting to become idle (not allowing background services), do that now. monitor [--gdb <port>] Start monitoring for crashes or ANRs. --gdb: start gdbserv on the given port at crash/ANR watch-uids [--oom <uid>] Start watching for and reporting uid state changes. --oom: specify a uid for which to report detailed change messages. hang [--allow-restart] Hang the system. --allow-restart: allow watchdog to perform normal system restart restart Restart the user-space system. idle-maintenance Perform idle maintenance now. screen-compat [on|off] <PACKAGE> Control screen compatibility mode of <PACKAGE>. package-importance <PACKAGE> Print current importance of <PACKAGE>. to-uri [INTENT] Print the given Intent specification as a URI. to-intent-uri [INTENT] Print the given Intent specification as an intent: URI. to-app-uri [INTENT] Print the given Intent specification as an android-app: URI. switch-user <USER_ID> Switch to put USER_ID in the foreground, starting execution of that user if it is currently stopped. get-current-user Returns id of the current foreground user. start-user <USER_ID> Start USER_ID in background if it is currently stopped; use switch-user if you want to start the user in foreground unlock-user <USER_ID> [TOKEN_HEX] Attempt to unlock the given user using the given authorization token. stop-user [-w] [-f] <USER_ID> Stop execution of USER_ID, not allowing it to run any code until a later explicit start or switch to it. -w: wait for stop-user to complete. -f: force stop even if there are related users that cannot be stopped. is-user-stopped <USER_ID> Returns whether <USER_ID> has been stopped or not. get-started-user-state <USER_ID> Gets the current state of the given started user. track-associations Enable association tracking. untrack-associations Disable and clear association tracking. get-uid-state <UID> Gets the process state of an app given its <UID>. attach-agent <PROCESS> <FILE> Attach an agent to the specified <PROCESS>, which may be either a process name or a PID. get-config [--days N] [--device] [--proto] Retrieve the configuration and any recent configurations of the device. --days: also return last N days of configurations that have been seen. --device: also output global device configuration info. --proto: return result as a proto; does not include --days info. supports-multiwindow Returns true if the device supports multiwindow. supports-split-screen-multi-window Returns true if the device supports split screen multiwindow. suppress-resize-config-changes <true|false> Suppresses configuration changes due to user resizing an activity/task. set-inactive [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> true|false Sets the inactive state of an app. get-inactive [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> Returns the inactive state of an app. set-standby-bucket [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> active|working_set|frequent|rare Puts an app in the standby bucket. get-standby-bucket [--user <USER_ID>] <PACKAGE> Returns the standby bucket of an app. send-trim-memory [--user <USER_ID>] <PROCESS> [HIDDEN|RUNNING_MODERATE|BACKGROUND|RUNNING_LOW|MODERATE|RUNNING_CRITICAL|COMPLETE] Send a memory trim event to a <PROCESS>. May also supply a raw trim int level. display [COMMAND] [...]: sub-commands for operating on displays. move-stack <STACK_ID> <DISPLAY_ID> Move <STACK_ID> from its current display to <DISPLAY_ID>. stack [COMMAND] [...]: sub-commands for operating on activity stacks. start <DISPLAY_ID> <INTENT> Start a new activity on <DISPLAY_ID> using <INTENT> move-task <TASK_ID> <STACK_ID> [true|false] Move <TASK_ID> from its current stack to the top (true) or bottom (false) of <STACK_ID>. resize <STACK_ID> <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> Change <STACK_ID> size and position to <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM>. resize-animated <STACK_ID> <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> Same as resize, but allow animation. resize-docked-stack <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> [<TASK_LEFT,TASK_TOP,TASK_RIGHT,TASK_BOTTOM>] Change docked stack to <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> and supplying temporary different task bounds indicated by <TASK_LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> move-top-activity-to-pinned-stack: <STACK_ID> <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> Moves the top activity from <STACK_ID> to the pinned stack using <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> for the bounds of the pinned stack. positiontask <TASK_ID> <STACK_ID> <POSITION> Place <TASK_ID> in <STACK_ID> at <POSITION> list List all of the activity stacks and their sizes. info <WINDOWING_MODE> <ACTIVITY_TYPE> Display the information about activity stack in <WINDOWING_MODE> and <ACTIVITY_TYPE>. remove <STACK_ID> Remove stack <STACK_ID>. task [COMMAND] [...]: sub-commands for operating on activity tasks. lock <TASK_ID> Bring <TASK_ID> to the front and don't allow other tasks to run. lock stop End the current task lock. resizeable <TASK_ID> [0|1|2|3] Change resizeable mode of <TASK_ID> to one of the following: 0: unresizeable 1: crop_windows 2: resizeable 3: resizeable_and_pipable resize <TASK_ID> <LEFT,TOP,RIGHT,BOTTOM> Makes sure <TASK_ID> is in a stack with the specified bounds. Forces the task to be resizeable and creates a stack if no existing stack has the specified bounds. update-appinfo <USER_ID> <PACKAGE_NAME> [<PACKAGE_NAME>...] Update the ApplicationInfo objects of the listed packages for <USER_ID> without restarting any processes. write Write all pending state to storage.
<INTENT> specifications include these flags and arguments: [-a <ACTION>] [-d <DATA_URI>] [-t <MIME_TYPE>] [-c <CATEGORY> [-c <CATEGORY>] ...] [-n <COMPONENT_NAME>] [-e|--es <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE> ...] [--esn <EXTRA_KEY> ...] [--ez <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_BOOLEAN_VALUE> ...] [--ei <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE> ...] [--el <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE> ...] [--ef <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE> ...] [--eu <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_URI_VALUE> ...] [--ecn <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_COMPONENT_NAME_VALUE>] [--eia <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_INT_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as Integer[]) [--eial <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_INT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_INT_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as List<Integer>) [--ela <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_LONG_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as Long[]) [--elal <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_LONG_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_LONG_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as List<Long>) [--efa <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as Float[]) [--efal <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_FLOAT_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as List<Float>) [--esa <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_STRING_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as String[]; to embed a comma into a string, escape it using "\,") [--esal <EXTRA_KEY> <EXTRA_STRING_VALUE>[,<EXTRA_STRING_VALUE...]] (mutiple extras passed as List<String>; to embed a comma into a string, escape it using "\,") [-f <FLAG>] [--grant-read-uri-permission] [--grant-write-uri-permission] [--grant-persistable-uri-permission] [--grant-prefix-uri-permission] [--debug-log-resolution] [--exclude-stopped-packages] [--include-stopped-packages] [--activity-brought-to-front] [--activity-clear-top] [--activity-clear-when-task-reset] [--activity-exclude-from-recents] [--activity-launched-from-history] [--activity-multiple-task] [--activity-no-animation] [--activity-no-history] [--activity-no-user-action] [--activity-previous-is-top] [--activity-reorder-to-front] [--activity-reset-task-if-needed] [--activity-single-top] [--activity-clear-task] [--activity-task-on-home] [--activity-match-external] [--receiver-registered-only] [--receiver-replace-pending] [--receiver-foreground] [--receiver-no-abort] [--receiver-include-background] [--selector] [<URI> | <PACKAGE> | <COMPONENT>]